Weather was clear enough today to add another coat of paint. I've been running around so much trying to get everything done for this weekend that I almost forgot my NOS tailgate. Unfortunately it was on the other side of the shop (reason I forgot it) buried behind the radial arm saw and the M37. It took a while but I finally managed to get it outside and on some sawhorses.
I spent most of the morning getting things ready to paint like jacking the back 2 axles up to pull the rear 4 wheels. I also reinstalled some of the smaller items to shoot them with the gun versus just a rattle can. After Keith had shot the 1st cover coat on Saturday it was easy to come to the conclusion that there is just not enough light in my shop to paint a vehicle, especially a dark vehicle, so I hit Home Depot this morning and got some work lights that helped tremendously.
I'm sure I've missed some spots but I have a bunch of friends this weekend that will gleefully point and say "you missed a spot." Luckily I've still got half a dozen rattle cans I can take with me for on the fly touch ups.
I've come to the realization that for as long as I own this (and I've promised the wife it's a keeper) I'll continue to find 3 things. There will always be media from the blaster, mud from NC, and some yellow paint somewhere. It's just part of owning the Waffle House Express.