Those M-1's look like they were in Korea.
I was in 2nd Tank, 2nd ID in 1994. Right up on the DMZ at Camp Casey.
We had one that flipped over into a rice paddy and was tracks up.
The crew was safe due to "roll over drills" that taught them how to survive such an event.
Since the tank had rolled down a steep embankment the engineers had to build a road thru the rice paddy so the 88's could get out to roll it back over.
It took the better part of a day to recover it. The crew spent the rest of the FTX pulling sh*t details because they didn't have a tank to play with.
We were very short of wheeled vehicle drivers and the "treadheads" dreaded being detailed to work in the Support Platoon (that I was Platoon Sgt. of).
Most of them couldn't drive a hard bargain much less a HEMTT.
I cringed everytime I had to let one of them out on the road.
It boggled my mind that they could drive a 62 ton tank but couldn't get a truck out of the motor pool gate without sideswiping the gatepost.