Got my first real runtime with the generator, used just short of a quarter of a tank on roughly 3hrs of run time, Generator was not nearly as loaded as I thought it would be for my house. Running a 3 ton heat pump and the water heater was just under 50% load. The water heater caught up and then I had my wife turn on the oven and all 4 burners on the stove top and I still was not at 80% (100% technically).. Had her start the dryer and it finally started loading up, but never went above 100 on the load meter.
later on I was trying to load it down before shutting down and we turned on the oven, stove top, water heater, Then I turned on 2 oil heaters on max (1500w each) and then turned on another space heater at the unit its self on max, roughly another 1500w or so. I was really surprised it was just staying at 80% load until something click on... not sure if it was oven or what, but something loaded it and it started rolling coal, never popped a breaker, but it did throw some good chunks out of the exhaust, So right now I think I need to way until a colder day and then maybe turn on the aux heat strips on my furnace and load a few other things to really get this loaded heavy for 15 or 20 minutes.
Thanks to @CallMeColt for the aux fuel line fittings, I need to move my diesel tank over near the generator and give that a try now that I have hose and all the correct fittings. Right now is almost the perfect time since I am near empty in the day tank.
Only problem I need to fix right now, my battery charge meter doesnt show anything coming in, so i am not sure if the alternator is not working or whats going on there, Not a big issue as i have a 24v battery tender (noco G15000) so I can keep those topped off for the time being.
later on I was trying to load it down before shutting down and we turned on the oven, stove top, water heater, Then I turned on 2 oil heaters on max (1500w each) and then turned on another space heater at the unit its self on max, roughly another 1500w or so. I was really surprised it was just staying at 80% load until something click on... not sure if it was oven or what, but something loaded it and it started rolling coal, never popped a breaker, but it did throw some good chunks out of the exhaust, So right now I think I need to way until a colder day and then maybe turn on the aux heat strips on my furnace and load a few other things to really get this loaded heavy for 15 or 20 minutes.
Thanks to @CallMeColt for the aux fuel line fittings, I need to move my diesel tank over near the generator and give that a try now that I have hose and all the correct fittings. Right now is almost the perfect time since I am near empty in the day tank.
Only problem I need to fix right now, my battery charge meter doesnt show anything coming in, so i am not sure if the alternator is not working or whats going on there, Not a big issue as i have a 24v battery tender (noco G15000) so I can keep those topped off for the time being.