@msgjd - I would like to get the underside as close as I can, that's why I was asking about the driveshaft for the pump.
So, if you would be so kind as to post some pictures here, I'd really appreciate it.
here you go .. I went thru a ton of flash bulbs but you can pay me later
Starting at transmission :
1: rear PTO in relation to parking brake drum .. The PTO gearbox yoke is a half-inch right of truck center
2: looking towards cab .. air tanks left, main driveshaft bright object on right, forward compartment valve + valve control wire + angled fuel pipe center
At this point the pto shaft is "hidden" above the air tanks
3: same camera location/direction showing better detail of PTO in relation to air tanks and first crossmember behind cab .. the channel iron (red primer) above PTO yoke is the front crossframe of the tank body
4: same camera location looking up : front (R) 200g and middle (L) 400g compartment valves , control cables, angled pipes .. air tanks are bright object at bottom corner of pic below PTO shaft , and bright object at top corner of pic is main driveshaft
5: same camera location but looking back towards rear of truck and 2nd crossmember behind cab
at this point you see the PTO shaft emerging into view from above the air tanks, the emergency shutoff cable running parallel to right of PTO shaft and it runs close to the upper corner of the middle crossframe "saddle" of the tank body .. Then to the left of the PTO shaft is the rear compartment valve and (straight) pipe , and to its left are the two pipes from the other two compartments and now you can see why the front pipes are angled. .. Next two (dirt-coated) items on the left running parallel to the pipes are the valve control cables from the two forward compartments
6: same camera location but zoomed to show detail of rear compartment valve and mid-tank saddle crossframe
Right to left: emergency shutoff cable, PTO shaft w/carrier bearing, 600g valve w/cable, 400g pipe, 200g pipe , 400g cable, 200g cable
7: closer detail of PTO carrier bearing
8: Finally, under the rear end where truck's frame angle-braces go from frame rails to pintle area: The rear fuel compartment ends here (above the pipes etc) to transition into the equipment compartment whose floor is 1-piece 1/2" plate steel laying directly on truck frame the entire width of tank body serving as its rear crossframe.. For modeling purposes note how the control cables come together
(yes this reminded me i had forgotten to pop the grease cap back on the yoke and grease it after rebuilding the pump

9: 1-piece flat steel plate above pintle

10: same sheet above passenger-side tailight .. note brace for mudflap shield
11: and this is the last of the good sheet,, same sheet above driver-side tailight .. note braces for mudflap shield, they bolt to the plate