Once you get your truck out of limbo, you need to take your truck and go to a registration service to sort of the paperwork and get your truck legally tagged and registered.
By your sig line, I assume it is your 923?
Not sure about the 10,000 pound rule with AAA, sounds like BS to me, but if it is true then it may be something to do with commercial type vehicles. I would look into that just to be safe, at least for your own well being anyway.
As for the use of your truck with Historical Plates, that is BS. If it had to be trailered to an event, even for a parade use, then why would you even need plates to begin with?
Let's entertain the vehicle code so you can school that lady at the DMV:
California Vehicle Code: Division 3: Chapter 1, Article 8, section 5004
Here is the link(
http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=5004.) it's too long to paste on here.
It does state, that any vehicle, which it describes [mostly vehicles that are 25 years or older], moved or operated on the highway for the purpose of historical exhibition or other similar purpose....blah blah blah, tagged with historical plates.
What is historical exhibition? Well the dictionary states that exhibition is the display of works of art or other items of interest. So, this being a historical vehicle, showing it off by driving down the road qualifies under the description of exhibition. It would be the same as if you drove in down Main Street in a parade, just faster.
There is no definitive meaning of similar purposes in the vehicle code, so that part is left to interpretation, I guess.
As long as you are not using it for commercial purposes or have any mileage limitations of any sort, it is really hard to state and enforce what is exhibition and what isn't.
I know that sounds like being ultra technical, but these people wrote the code, it's not our fault that written in a clear descriptive or definitive way.
Good Luck man!