Great job Randy---And I agree that all info was put out there for everyone to see, I also agree that instead of talking this over and a couple trying to help--they just jumped in with it won't work, and then proceeded to tell every reason it wouldn't, now I can go back and highlight every point to show them what you said and a DAMN good hint that if a multi is brought up to 5 ton specs it should carry more gear but in their hearts they know, and I'm sure others that have been reading this know the answer is simple--They were wrong and you were right--it allways seem that when one ( or two ) people stick their foot in their mouths they always come up with some excuse ( or two ). I was more then ready to aplogize if that dog didn't hunt and I damn sure would have but then again I'm not selling gear sets and more then likly not wanting the members of this site to know that a truck can be brought up to speed for not that much, these aux. boxes also known as brownie boxes are made by Dana, Spicer, Fuller and Dana Spicer to name a few, they were used in lots of trucks like grain trucks, dump trucks even over the road tractors, if you search them out they can be had cheap, if you do your own work--again not that much--and OD like in the Dana Spicer 7231-A at 25% or 26 % can be had---And lastly I think the claim of <deluding> is not at the hands of Randy but at the hands of others I would also go as far as adding "misinformation" and maybe for profit, and the cheap shot on the spelling thing--well---just cheap---The offer still stands though--COME TO PIGEON FORGE AND RIDE A REALLY FAST GUN TRUCK---and if this post don't stir things up we'll talk about the 5 ton Mack that soon will be at speed and at only around 2100 RPM--And I DARE you to tell me it can't be done------I was on this site years ago and not much since but I tried it again and am glad to see just how much its grown, I'll be around much more now---Great job on the site to all involved and most everyone-----Driver---( hope my spelling is ok )