I just spent a LOT of time trying to get my rear brakes into PERRrrFECT adjustment.
They all have just a RCH (15/16"+/- 1/128"
) under 1" of movement from released to parking brake on,
less if you use just the treadle w/ the little wife standing on it.
There is less than 1" of movement released.
The only way I could get them in spec was to;
Supply front of truck w/ air from shop compressor.
Jack tire off ground.
Adjust Slack Adjuster till shoes touched drum but good, and then barely back off
maybe a 1/4 turn
at the MOST till wheel spun free. I proved it. If I went a full
turn or a 1/2 a turn they would not go to spec. With just the smallest
of turns I could make them go from free turning to no-turn while
wheel was jacked off the ground.
My shoes are like new. Tires are Like new.
The rears I had to pull the cotter pins and adjust the yokes way in.
In my opinion they are all as close to perfect as obtainable.
The Double Check / Quick Release valve I spoke of prior was replaced.
It had the TINYEST of leaks out the bottom, I mean it was so minute but that\
CHP could hear it! he was a young buck, sharp as a whip, strong as two bulls.
One more minor issue and I will go back to the CHP Inspector
even though he said I did not have to return, I will still go
back and take my free inspection w/ no ticket so I can leave w/ a
NO FAULTS FOUND condition on my record.
He did not cite me but wrote me for
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT WEAR ( It look like in rebuild they probably replaced
the u-joint but not the slip shaft on the drive shaft and it is a little loose, just
a little!)
No Name or DOT # (But when I said I was not a company there was a HUGE
pause...if I get Historic I can slide on that, I think....)
I was listening to the CHP Inspectors, and treir buddies, they a
re very
knowledgeable, they look for Scumbags and Scumbag Companies
that sketch on maintenance AND OLD TRUCKS.
I want to be known as an Anti-Scumbag to the local CHP, HA! I will fix any
little thing they want fixed...scared of them I am (
In my best Yoda voice)
After seeing the CHP brake inspection I would suggest that it is IMPOSSIBLE
to be in spec for any length of time since pads and drums wear, and that a
guy should probably adjust his brakes every 500 miles or so depending on
usage or you WILL get cited for BRAKES OUT OF ADJUSTEMENT.