Sorry, I don't have any pics of the mount. I don't remember there being any mounts on the Fueler HEMTT that I drove. It's an excellent idea; however, could you please post pictures of the part that you do have? You don't indicate you have the doors but on the off chance you do, could you get a shot of the whole door panel? Maybe someone else has a shot of the door panel with door mounts or just a shot of the door in general. I'm looking to see what the inside of the door looks like. Perhaps we can reverse engineer the upper half from the mount marks. I'm thinking you also solved my drivers mount problem. I DON"T like having my rifle sitting behind me and installing it between the seats would tie up the center of the cab with mounts, which takes away from the VIC-1 installation, cup holder, etc. Putting it on the door (if it works) puts the 30-06 right there for a quick grab shoud uber buck jump out of the woods and scream "shoot me!" There's a couple commercial variations we tried on our Hueys (can't tell you any more than that) that would fit your bill of an upper mount and it wouldn't damage the door or rifle.