Finished first ECO Hub today. Very few surprises aside from Somebody went wild with the rtv sealant prior to my ownership! Gunks of it in the hub bolt holes. Is RTV America's secret weapon? Cmon!
Otherwise, the snap ring grind down was the only tedious item. That and the air compressor running out of gas when I neede to release the brakes

. I bought the steel gaskets but still did a thin silicone layer on both sides. Now onto the other 3. See pics
Yet another ECO Hub successful field report today. Got them all painted and refilled with synthetic 75/90. Used the 4pm method on the fronts. I started by running it up a 500yd small hill in the back. 12" snow on the ground. (Unloaded)
In 1st with mode it works better I think, like
@Ronmar was saying, I can feel the TC doing its job as I throttle up. Less slippage. Pulling out from a dead stop is nicer since the thing isn't crawling forward hard at idle. More like a regular truck in that sense.
I have a 7mile downhill at 3-6% grade before I can get to the flat creek bed road so I used the engine brake. I think it's actually more user friendly since the retard doesn't drop the speed down so fast that the trans downshifts. At 50, I was starting to roll down quite abruptly on the 6%, but the PAC held it at 48 for a bit and it didn't get to downshift. So sure it has less engine braking power but seems to be more useable now. At least for my drive.
Im still getting the same "check trans" issue, on the same flat section of road, that I was getting without the ECO's. This time I had selected 4, was driving at 48, then the thing up shifts into 5 and gives me the check trans. I pulled over and it reset and went back to 4 on tue display. Same as pre-ECO but now it's upshifting! Before it was happening with 7 selected and downshifting. Also on the way back it ghost shifted from 5 to 5 and threw the check trans light, again at a constant 48This truck wants to be in 5th gear only. Weird bc it's only happening on the flat section of road, both ways too. Must be creek Witches down there?
On the highway, on-ramp was easy, very fast ramp up compared to pre-ECO. I was at 70 on the gps before I knew it. No engine noise this time. I still have XMLs so im hearing those and wind noise. Hit 80 on the flat without realizing so backed off to 75 and it was in 5 on the display, which is 2000 rpm per the latest chart. I upped it to 6 on the pad and barely felt it shift, which is 1500 rpm oon the chart. Holds 75 on the flat. A little unnerving at 80.
it's a little faster up the 6% by 2mph in selection 4. the chart says I'm at 1711rpm at 46mpg whereas before I was dropping to 43-44 in 6th with just the 3.07s and no ECO. Maybe just a better torque curve spot?
all around a great drivability improvement. Now I just need to get the general to flash the ECU. The 3.90s are still on the table but everyone wants a fortune for a set.