FLU-419 Ownership and tips
419.101 SEE
5,700 Miles
Wilmington, OH
Primary Use: Ministry Outreach
Insured via State Farm (liability only) - 146 every 6 months
M1101 Trailer 2007 Silver Eagle (slight mods to make it work with FLU-419)
To help document and share fixes, I have made many videos on the FLU-419 such as:
How to install alternator -
How to fix "no charging problem" (replacing relay under alternator) -
How to clean fuel filter -
How to rebuild air regulator (takes forever for brakes to charge fix) -
How to replace air brake alcohol container -
How to change differential fluid if you can't get drain plug off -
Hub leak fix and home made compression washers for banjo lines (lines got ripped off in the woods) -
How to lubricate speedometer cable -
M1101 / M1102 Trailer Conversion for FLU-419:
Sorry I don't have a video on this... But here is how I converted a M1101/1102 to work on a FLU-419.
1) Chains are too small... I purchased a 3 foot section of chain from ACE and some hooks.
2) I attach chains to welded area under pintle hook... Then use the original chains from M1101 on those. Could be prettier, but this is what I use because my M1101 issued on both the MOG (24V) as well as by civy vehicle (12V) class 4 hitch with raised pintle.
3) Cables... The M1101/1102 will come with the standard military cable. I added a 5 pin civil cable and leave the both connected.
4) Length of MIL cable - the cable on the M1101 is not long enough to reach the mog. If you climb under the trailer and relocate a few things (no wire cutting required) you can extend out your cable and get the extra length you need to reach the MOG.
5) Bulbs/Voltage converters... I was originally going to add a 12/24 converter... But I was thinking that was over kill. Instead I found LEDs to go on the trailer that are both 12 and 24 volt!

This allows me to use the civy cable as well as the MIL cable without a costly converter!

The bulbs I used are:
Marker light replacements for sides and front:
http://www.amazon.com/Gold-Stars-11...1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage (12 of them for about 25 bucks)
Tailight bulbs (original link is dead so here is description): Mudder® 2Pcs Pack 1156 BA15S 3014 SMD 126-LED Warm White Car Lights Home Decorative Lamps
Brake lights:
http://www.amazon.com/Boltlink-Ultr...&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 (they now want 40 bucks! They were far cheaper when I ordered them)
I also added a modulator to the brake lights that I used on motorcycles that is 12/24V. This allows my brake lights to go FLASH-FLASH-FLASH STEADY each time I apply brakes. When this is used for turn signal it results in rapid strobe light flash patterns... Same for hazards.
A couple things to note:
The tail light/brake light reflectors are not LED friendly! Your reflection will be terrible so you have to play around with the bulbs... Not just for fit/size, but to make sure that drivers can see major difference between the running light/tail and the brake light. I accomplished this by applying black finger nail polish to much of the tail light bulb to help reduce it's brightness. Thereby allow the brake light to stand out more.
If I had to do it over... I would have skipped the mudders and the Boltlink Ultra Brights and found a different brand/size. But the marker light replacements (Gold Stars) were perfect!!!
The moral of the story is... Equip your trailer complete with 12/24V bulbs and you end up with a unit you can use on both your civil auto and your MIL gear with no special convert boxes.
Feel free to PM me if you have any mechanical questions regarding the FLU-419... Some other things I have fixed and didn't make a video are:
Sticking accelerator, installation of strobe unit on rooftop, converting a M1101 to support both 12 and 24 volt with both military and civilian plugs with no voltage converter needed (under 50 bucks), new belts from napa, how to remove radiator and re-install, door removal/installation fix, restoring original batteries from the grave.