FLU Farm, is that the universal quick attach from Titan/Palletforks? I was just measuring my loader width today to be able to weld on some flanges to the very same (or looks like the same) adapter plate. The next adventure will be plumbing an additional hose from the rear pump so I can turn the skid steer attachments on and off with the PTO lever. The only downside is not having a forward/reverse valve for it...yet. Photos to come of that and possibly a thumb on the dipper arm...
General Hood, the auger is a 1650 that is still made by Lowe industries in WI. I actually had a call with them yesterday and they still can assemble the entire auger kit but they said that a lot of what was in the kit for the military was unnecessary. In regards to that auger there, is it going to become part of an auction? Interested since I was already looking at a new unit instead...
So, I had a successful evening and only slightly feel like I can relate to the woes of some of you here in regards to electrical. Suffice to say that removing that fuse bracket while the loader is still in place makes for a gymnastic evening. Nonetheless, I finished the evening's thrashing with a complete set of working rear indicators, flashers, turns, and brakes! Only one front turn indicator and the horn and I'll be ready to go and try it at the DMV (minus the loader and how of course).
One question from the week's work. Is this fitting supposed to be discharging air the entire time the vehicle is running and afterwards, or is this surface rust indication that I've got an air leak? I think it's door #2 but I'd like the insight of the group. In everyone's opinion, can this just be tightened? My finger is behind where the air can be felt and the other picture shows where it is blowing out...