The 2 lines are for the governor on the carb. It has nothing to do with spark advancement
See there we go.....a description. Thank you. This is the answer to the question "How are we going to keep the engine from over revving when 18 year old kids are driving"...... . I can chase the holley manual now if it turns out we need to trouble-shoot more. Awesome.
The guys that thought of, designed, drew, then wrote about the 825 governor......around 1950?....., were sitting there saying......." In 70 years the landscapers are still going to be trying to figure this out...... ha ha, .....ha ha ha.......ha.
Once again, in the description, the writers make things sound simple......."It's just a spring and a piece of rubber over a hole that gets smaller when the 18 yr. old steps on the pedal to the floor, with a slight hesitation to push the pedal all the way to the floor" Love it..... love that mechanical brain. "It's just nuts and bolts"
The fuel system has been a blast. Obviously the fastest way to get fuel is to hang a jerry can and run a hose but there was already an external pump on Piglet and lines ran when they moved the tank to the Wrong side.
Never assume the pump pumps even though it makes the wirrrr sound.
Never assume any lines are clear.
Never assume something didn't plug the new filter you put on last year.
.......and never assume the original pump is still in the tank.
We tried all the farmer parts that are on the truck but eventually cashed out for a new pump, lines, filters.....and tomorrow a new regulator. I'll post specs soon.
Did everyone hear the story about the $10,000.00 leaf? Generally, It's about a new truck owner that kept taking his new truck back to the dealer because it would fart, bark, pop and stop running.........sometimes. They spent thousands on pumps, lines, filters.......before they took the tank off to look inside.
The culprit was a big leaf that would float around in the tank sometimes partially plugging fuel flow, sometimes shutting the truck off.

Knowing eventually I need to use the tank, I pulled the pump housing. Stan L. must have talked to these farmers because Stan knows, if you hook up an external pump without modifying the intank intake........she won't suck. The internal pump had been removed some time ago.
The surprising find was the feather partially stuck behind the filter 7412717.
This could have been the 'several hundred dollar' feather had I hooked the external pump to the tank and sucked this in.
Never assume the Pig farm didn't have Chickens.