If anyone will have either, it'll be the previously mentioned Mike Murphy at
www.murphyjunk.net, though sometimes American Milspec has modern stuff too (
www.american-milspec.com) , and Ebay as well. Mike's not had any flavour of SINCGARS since...January, I think...and I haven't seen any on Ebay either. I've only ever seen one MBITR come up complete, though there were a bunch of parts ones. Variations of the AN/PRC-152 Falcon II radios come up too, though infrequently, and disappear long before the auctions are scheduled to end (usually either thanks to intervention by the forces of Uncle or more often than not through buy-it-now deals negotiated off Ebay.)
Me, I want the rest of my AN/UYK-128 FBCB2 computer setup and a PRC-138, 117 or 150 - should someone open up a well-stocked store entitled something like
www.moremodernthanARC-5s.com - until then we'll be collecting overpriced AM-65s from Greece and glow-in-the-dark Big, Black and Bakelite offerings from the bowels of a B-17.