Gotcha! Yep, there was a single screw holding the 2 band sections together. After removing the screw, I popped the top section of:
A close-up showing the brushes which appear to have plenty of life left in them:
I loosened the screw holding the wires for this set of brushes and pulled them out:
I ran a moist rag over over them followed by a dry one and then put them back in.
It wasn't really possible to get to the other 3 sets of brushes, although I was able to wiggle the lower set visible in the first photo above. Just for grins, I figured I'd try to see if the lift motor would work, and it did! I tested lift, tilt and side shift, and everything is working perfectly now! I like how easy it is to feather the controls. When pulling back all the way on the lift level, the speed at which it raises is amazing. Almost hit my shop door once the 2nd section kicked in.
The battery also appears to be in great shape. When I got it stuck the other day, I spent 20 minutes going forward and backwards and turning a lot and the battery gauge just barely moved away from the "full" mark. Topping the battery off now and the charger indicated 78% when I started.
Again, I really appreciate all the help and advice! This Hyster appears to be a winner.