Yes, I had that kit and sold it. Up to this point, there was nothing else available specific to our accessory drives. That kit is unbelievably heavy, bulky, risks radiator damage when pulling fan off, etc..... The kit I am making is superior in every measurable aspect. I really wanted it to be on the serpentine drive using the spring loaded tensioner, to be added fairly quickly, be strong, and for it to be on the passengers side of the engine. I'm picking up a few test belts today at lunch and will try them tonight. As soon as I find the best length, this will be a go. I expect to be able to take orders by this Friday, but since I do not have any stock of parts yet, I will need a fabrication time of 1 week for initial orders before I can ship out. It will come complete with all required fasteners. Here are a few pics, a typical Sanden "ear mount" A/C compressor, and where the A/C compressor placement will be when done, same as a factory 8.3 vehicle that had A/C, but without us having to retro-fit the front timing gear cover over to the newer style which accepts that combo alternator/A/C compressor bracket. That newer bracket only accepts "pad mount" alternators and A/C compressors, so though it could be used, it would be completely cost prohibitive, as you would need to buy a new alternator, new A/C compressor, new bracket, and new timing gear case. The Sanden A/C compressor show in the below pic has ports on it already. You can use this one, but the compressor I would also recommend is their Flex 7 series SD7H15 #4866, which is a modular rear port type, you pick the ports that best fit including thread and seal connection type, and also if rear or up facing. If you are buying the compressor, and want even a little more cooling capacity, Sanden offers a model with a little more flow, called an "enhanced" or SD7H15E, but you can't get it with a 24v 8 rib clutch and ear mount, though you could build it up as that with other parts such as ordering it with a 12v coil and then swapping that out with a 24v coil from them ($37). This is what I did to better support my Red Dot R-9777 (not yet installed) at idle. The traditional SD7H15 flows plenty in most applications and it what is used most in automotive and even larger applications. I have confirmed no interference when closing hood, etc... Plenty of room. As a teaser, it looks like I should be able to hold pricing to under the $400 I initially proposed, including delivery.