Good Day: Had to read this all several times. Lets mess it up a bit. A B model TQG using a JD engine shutting down after 4 Hours running time all by its self. It just ran 4 hours no problems. As a TQG shuts down from another issue, the low oil pressure indicator comes on as engine RPM slows as all circuits are active but the engine has an issue. Suck, squeeze, bang blow and we have an issue in the bang. After the sender is inspected, please ensure connections are together and tight. Had these issues on Tikrit. It was a fuel issue. Hard to find. One was a dry rotted fuel hose all cracked up and the other was a bent fuel pickup or a lose fuel connection. They would run a while until it started sucking air rather than fuel. Usually as things warmed up. May want to look into that. Had the fuel pick hose several times as rebuild used air hose for brake lines instead of fuel resistant hose. After a fashion it n longer started. Other things to look at: How much dirt is in the control box. The R 40 is touchy on the bottom of the box, and use a small screwdriver and check those wires on the terminal boards. Put a thumb on those ribbon cables. The ESD 5551 engine control is another possibility as dirt gets in there and it accumulates around the reset pushbutton. Check the modules if any are not tight on the mother board. Any slop and your asking for issues. This is one you have to be there as it shuts down as Guyfang stated above. Had a real hard one where a trace on the motherboard was cracked and after warm, no connection due to expansion. 30Kws were noted on most FOBs for running over 35,000 hours with normal servicing. We had some at 54,000 hours still running fine.