As we are getting much closer to Showtime and a Wise Owl and fellow Steel Soldier has stated before, please try to keep keep the commentary on this show thread limited to the show details and further questions about the show in general.
Everyone should know that U S 23/the Downtown Area of Oscoda is going through a complete Utility and Road rebuild this summer which will of course be going on during the Show. The main problem is congestion with a bypass detour and slow travel through the Downtown Area- fortunately that is several miles from the show site, which is Northewest of the downtown area.
As previously mentioned, the theme of this years Show is 'Military Motorcycles'- so bring em if you got em please! Also, for anyone wanting to tour the museum, which is seperate from the Show, the charge is $5- it is an all voluteer organization which was formed after the SAC Base closed, with some great material accumulated and displayed. We are TRYING to attract some Vintage Military Aircraft to fly into/visit the show, a very difficult task.
There will be a shuttle bus running back and forth between Bikergarge101 and the Melvin Motorcycle Museum building, located just a few blocks away from our Show site. Their big Event: "Oscoda Biker Daze 2012" is occuring simultaniously with ours.
There will be designated inside and outside vendor locations; the outside locations are virtually unlimited. However, the Secure/locked down each evening tables, in the old, historic and unique F-105 Hanger, which cost $20/each, are limited to just over 30 and must be reserved by using the 'table registration form' that is downloadable from our website. We would cetainly give an unreserved table to anyone for the $20 (or the highest bid) if there was a table left and someone just showed up or decided to come at the last second. This locked at night Inside Vendor location is being provided by our hosts, the Wurtsmith Air Museum.
Nightime firewatch/security of the showgrounds will be perormed in shifts by MIMVPA Board Members, Reular Members/ thier designees. This small number of individuals will be sleeping/ staying at the show site at night in their Military Vehicle or Military Tent that is on Display also, just like the other HMVs.
There will be no camping/civilian tent pitching at the Show Site or adjacent parking fields. These are Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport Authority rules! We have a VERY STRONG local supporter, who has made about 7 acres of nice farm field in a great rural setting, about 8 miles West from the show site available to REGISTERED/PAID SHOW PARTICIPANTS ONLY, for primative camping purposes. This primative camping opportunity will be
FREE! MIMVPA will place a handicapped Porta-John and sanitation station at this location, and anyone utilizing this spot will be expected to make a small donation towards the cost of the sanitation facilities and ALSO follow some basic rules of good conduct and clean up after yourselves! Also-first come first served-when the field is filled it's over, done, finished...........
In addition, there are thousands of other lodging opportunities in the immediate Oscoda/Ausable area. State campgrounds, a VERY large and famous Oscoda Township 'on the water' camground (Old Orchard Park) on the Foote Dam impoundment, and many motels and resorts, many right on the Lake Huron beach.
On Friday at sunrise, there will be an Authentic Native American Prayer Fire started, and later in the day a high ranking member of a Northern Michigan Tribe will put on display a Sacred Warriors Eagle Staff- it's military related in nature and he will also be standing by and give a presentation /history at some point and answer participant/ general public attendee questions during the time the Staff' is displayed.
It's expected that the Veterans Memorial Park of Northeast Michigan will be be cooking/selling hot dogs and have chips/pop available in the afternoon on Friday and Saturday.
As with any outdoor event, one never knows what the weather will be June 8-10th in the Northeast Lower Peninsula. A day could be clear, 90+ and stagnant, or it could be 50 and windy. Obviously there is always a chance of some rain-you never know. Like a Boy Scout-Be Prepared.
Although a run through town may be impossible to pull off due to all the construction, we WILL have some type of MV Convoy on Saturday evening.
No Pets will be allowed on the Show Grounds, Hanger, or Wurtsmith Air Museum; Service Dogs are of course welcome!
ABSOLUTELY NO open intoxicants on the grounds or drunks tolerated during the Show!
NO LIVE AMMO allowed at the show.
Legal, properly documented/registered firearms are OK as long as all laws related to them are followed, dummy or mock ups of machine guns or other firearms of course there is no issue with.
Those of you with CPLs BETTER/MUST follow your critical responsibilities and the MI Laws related to them.
There is no doubt in the world I've forgotten some things, so fire away when ready; me, or one of the other Board Members or Show Committee will certainly respond as soon as possible. Also, if I've mispelled anything on this post; tough-- I ain't smart enough to use the spell check..................................
Thank you in advance to everyone that plans on coming to Oscoda for a great time!