Ok I am stumped here...
Installed the valve with res2 and aux ports plugged. Supply, exhaust, trailer, and tractor lines connected.
When I fire up the truck with the park prake valve out, applied, it vents air out the exhaust port in front of the radiator. Push the park in, off, air stops venting and truck builds and holds full air pressure.
Thought I crossed the trailer, park lines so changed my diagram and swapped the lines... No go. I had the lines right the first time so rev2 of diagram is incorrect. Bottom, park valve still vents to exhaust when pulled out and stops venting when pushed in.
First guess is something is up with capping res2 and aux ports on valve. I will triple check the connections.
Good times, good times.
Push on fittings work excellent and going to cut new air lines that are longer with push fittings on both ends. Will add that to writeup when I figure the venting issue out.