So, about my Rusty-imitation and what happened. The plan for the day was to move some dirt using the M1008 and dump trailer, which is not uncommon.
By the fourth load or so I had already thought (again) about that it'd be a very good thing to put a brake control in the M1008, and how nice it would be to have a sliding rear window.
View attachment 695581Things began unraveling with about the fifth load. The first thing that happened was that the brake pedal went to the floor as I was backing down a mild slope, maybe 4-5%. Thankfully the light on the dash came on, so I knew it wasn't that the passenger door was ajar, but indeed the brakes. Not sure how mankind got along before warning lights and dingers.
Anyway, you may have noticed that the landing gear is down in the photo. That's because the trailer was a bit optimistically loaded and wouldn't dump. Well, by lifting the front a bit it could serve two purposes; free up the M1008 to go take a look at the brake situation, and possibly make the trailer dump.
Drove to the garage, got some DOT 5 and...both reservoirs were full. Tried the brakes again, and they worked. Strange. Okay, one down, one to go.
Luckily the minute amount the front of the trailer was raised did make it raise the bed, so much of the load came out. Of course, the resulting weight shift lifted the front quite a bit, and the trailer had to be pulled forward to regain some tongue weight. (I've had the entire setup start going downhill when the weight shifted and lifted the rear of the M100

After some fiddling around, the coupler was at about the right height, so it was time to reconnect. For some reason the brakes stopped cooperating again, so it was with shifting the trans that I got the ball under the coupler...except that they
just hit a tiny bit.
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Well, that was enough to get more dirt to start coming out, which forced the trailer uphill(!) and forward. With an inside mirror I might've seen it coming, but my first clue was a bang (as the tank got hit) then a glass shower.
Yep, this dented the tank pretty good, and bent the brackets. And gave me more incentive to get that sliding rear window. Also on the positive side, this will allow pulling the back of the cab below the window a bit straighter. When I got this M1008 the bed was up against the back of the cab, and I was surprised about how much glass can bend.
And the story almost ended there. Somehow the coupler never did get locked correctly after this little ordeal, so when dumping the next load the trailer's front came up again. But this time I was paying attention.
Now the problem was getting the coupler back down, and after more fiddling I got the safety chain to just barely reach the pintle hook I luckily installed not long ago. A simple pull and the nose came down enough to connect things and go for the next load.
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It's a lot noisier without a rear window. May have to lube the trailer ball and fix the exhaust now.