I used to detail cars for a dealership when I was in high school. I knew my shop vac wasn't powerful enough to get all of the shards off of the seats and carpet. I don't have the attachment that gets into the small crevices. I told the crew at the car wash/detailing shop that I know how to do the work, but want to make sure that I don't have shards of glass embedded in my wife's @$$ (she usually rides shotgun in the Dodge). My back is still jacked up from the hurricane, and it hurts too much to bend and twist into the positions necessary to remove all of the shards.
I'm surprised you don't have a detailing shop in your area, Rustystud. I have a handful of them within a 3 mile radius of my house. I picked the closest one. There's also a self service automotive pressure washing place about a mile away. I thought about taking my M1009 over there to remove a layer or two of schmutz that builds up from parking it under an oak.
I saw your posts about HD breaking your glass.

That information, combined with many other reasons, have convinced me to hit Lowe's instead. I avoid HD.
I wish we had a service like that out here ! When Home Depot broke my rear window it took me weeks to get all the glass out. There probably still is glass laying on the floor somewhere.
Yesterday, the glass technician showed up 30 minutes early. He has 26 years of experience. He did a great job! Here's where it gets interesting. He saw a tinted sliding glass rear window in the dumpster at his shop yesterday morning. Brand new. He pulled it out and put it in his van, unsure as to why anyone would trash it. He looked at the rear window of my Dodge and saw it wasn't privacy glass and isn't a slider. He said, "I might have a replacement rear glass for your truck." He pulled it out, handed it to me, climbed up in the bed of my truck. I handed him the glass. PERFECT FIT! $40 for the slider + $40 for the installation.

It's a $400+ piece of glass plus installation. I secretly wanted a slider because I plan on installing a topper. I never told a soul. There's only one being that could've known that. I had no idea that God would bless me with what I wanted, let alone though this situation. In fact I never even asked Him, talked to Him about it, or anything. I just thought it sure would be nice to have it someday. God has a way of showing me that He is listening at the most bizarre moments. I just wanted to share all of this with my SS Brethren. I apologize for the brief thread derailment.
I digress, and return the thread to CUCVs. Mine has served me well, is back home on the Battery Tender, and ready to help me out when I need it.