I was at half a tank so after work I drove over to Bangor base and filled up at the diesel pump there. Nearby is a short set of trails so I headed over to play around a bit. There's one stretch of short uphill that's deeply rutted and I was surprised the HMMWV stopped, like stopped forward motion altogether.
I wasn't high centered, the tires were spinning, but it didn't want to go. Perfect, now I can try the brake/throttle mod thing out. It took some practice but I finally figured it out. The learning curve was because I wasn't aware of how much brake and how much throttle - so I was surprised at how much I had to push on the brake pedal and how much throttle I had to use to overcome it. Seems abusive but I guess not. Nevertheless, it worked very well once I figured it out.
This is my jeep on the trail (no pics of the HMMWV this time since I was alone). It has electronic fully locking diffs front and rear, and just claws up thru it without spinning a tire, so the HMMWV was definitely a different experience.
EDIT to add:
the old Hummer video at the 3:10 mark it discusses brake/throttle mod, and the video shows exactly what was happening to me on that trail.