The SEE has really been earning its keep lately. I have been working it really hard, and I have a lot yet to do with it. The SEE has just been amazing. It can do a lot more than I have the skill to do, but I have been learning a lot about how to work it. That probably deserves a thread of its own. I will try to document some of the things I have learned. Maybe some of you better operators can give us trial and error guys some tips.
Here is my laundry list of things to do with it.
- Dig out the trench for the rough plumbing for the garage.
- Dig the trench to connect the garage plumbing to the main septic line. I have a full basement and a gravity drain. So the main line is about 9' down. With about 120 feet at 1/4" per foot = 30" so starting 7'6 deep at garage.
- Water supply line from well to house ~ 150' ~ 4' deep to get below frost line.
- Trench for electrical conduit ~ 60 feet @ 3 feet deep.
- Hole to bury propane tank
- hole to bury cistern
- Hole to bury septic tank.
- Leach field ~ 12' x 76' at 3 feet deep
- Main sewer line ~ 250' starting @ 9' ending @ 3' with 1/4" per foot increase in depth .
I am sure there will be other stuff but that will keep me busy for a while.
here are some pictures of what I have done so far. I will try to add some other pictures later.

First leg of septic from future garage to main line.
Rough in of plumbing for garage. 2" in foreground for utility sink. Immediately behind sink is shower P-Trap. To the left of that is 4" for the toilet. The black pipe is a water supply line. 3" in the back ground is a clean out. I should have planned this better. I needed to back fill the plumbing rough in so I could dig the trench to connect to the main septic line. Which meant I had to dig down to find the pipe from the plumbing rough in. Of course I caught the line while trying to locate it and had to cut out the damaged part to make the connection.
trench for conduit. I would have loved to have a 12" bucket for this, but I think I need 24" for everything else.
SEE at the end of a long day in the trenches.