Ok update. I had plans to pull the tank to clean it out because it has black tar like sludge in the tank even though the unit has only 45 hours on it but it's been sitting for over a year in a field.
My problem now is I can't get the aux float assembly out because it makes a hard 90 as soon as it enters the tank. Watched a video on a 802 float removal but it has a straight section where mine does not once it enters the tank. I took the nut off the top and there is a white plastic ferrule but I cannot get the assembly out.
Would y'all replace the main fuel level sending unit and the aux float assembly while I have the tank out?
Also what part #'s am I looking for and where to buy?
I had read a post on here about getting the tank out taking 6 hours and I was able to do it in 1 hour. Should I post how I did it in a seperate thread to tank removal?
Oh yeah, the aux pump is working now.
Thanks, for all y'all's help.