Yep, A1 had failed in a matter that did not take the quad windings with it, or it was swapped out at some point as Guy pointed out. Interesting that this set only has 32 hours on it, is a 2000 model, and was never reset.
There is a Reset document in the TM forum. But you need to understand what Reset is. Reset is to take older, or much used gen sets and return them to Tip, Top shape. What we called 10/20 Standards. A gen set is only supposed to be sent to Reset when id had a certain amount of hours, and other criteria. Red the reset document if you really want to know.
One reason it never hit reset is that it never got issued. Or was issued to a unit that never needed it. Could also have been reset back in the day. Back in the early days, the reset tag was a plastic POC that was simply pasted on the side of the gen set. You all place way too much emphasis, (Hope) on Reset. At times it was less then spotty. At times, super. But what all of you fail to understand, or better said, Know, is that Reset was more or less a guideline. At first anyway. After 2010, when I stopped contracting, I can not speak with knowledge. But it was a guideline. Some things listed in the Reset document were to be done on a, AS NEED BE basis. "If it aint broke, it dont get fixed". Often, if a part was supposed to be changed, say the TTM, (Time Totaling Meter), and the supply system did not have them, or was not able to supply them in time, the set was kicked out of shop. It was recorded as finished, with the following exceptions. And a list was provided. That list promptly went into the trash can. Who cares? works? Great. End of story. Reset is not the Holy Grail.