novacainefix, I threw also a lot of new parts into my CUCV, still looking forward to change freeze-plugs (1 is leaky, few drips a day) and my new proportioning valve is leaky again...not the lines, no it leaks out of the "push" button one is waiting for install..they are really weighted up in gold over here in germany -.- ...hope this stays good for longer than a few months. Also I changed the complete brake system and switched to DOT3, for legal & availability reasons. new calipers, rotors etc. New transmission oil & filter + 2 gaskets and a new trans oil pan (broke one, tightened to fast). Flushed the coolant , replaced gasket at thermostat pipe, also threw in a new thermostat while I was on it... A new glowplug controller card, new batteries, new glowplug relay and cleaned nearly all electrical connections I could find. Oh and I did the doghead relay mod. And engine oil & Filter all 3-4k miles (like twice a year)
My CUCV aswell needs new springs...and I want to replace all shocks, 1 leaks ..the other ones not, but they all look like their are there since 30yrs. And I have a new set of 60g glowplugs here to have them when in need (until now my CUCV starts like a champ, almost no cranking, little smoke when under 0°C ) And maybe I have her repainted at a shop in original woodland pattern (the rattle can paintjob it has now gets only worse the more I do on it during rust threatments etc.

But I also love that Truck and the looks I get when driving it are worth everything I have done to it yet.
Its nearly on being my daylie driver, but when they start to salt the roads here, my Audi 80 quattro will be in everyday use again and the ´09 will be put to sleep.